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What are Surveys? Can the app actually know how I'm feeling?

We ask you 10 simple questions each day, 5 in the early afternoon, and 5 in the evening, in order to get a handle on how you are feeling. Without answering those questions, we don't have enough to go on to tailor our advice to your specific situations. The questions cover eight areas: Stress, Energy, Anger, Depressed and anxious mood, Self Esteem, Social comfort, Self-care, and Attitude towards behavior change. We made up the questions and we made up the survey. The survey is not validated, so it is not a psychological instrument. It is also 100% private and for your own use and for the app's "AI" to give you helpful advice.  We know from published studies that these areas are all important to people dealing with emotional eating issues.  There is a Survey Report in the Dashboard that stays current with your mood states. Consult it frequently. BTW, you won't see a survey report until you've answered survey questions for several days. If you miss taking a survey, just go to Settings and press the Take Survey Now button.