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How quickly will I lose weight with your app?

We recommend that you lose weight slowly. This is not an app to help with rapid weight loss, but instead is a step-by-step way to change your eating habits permanently. No other strategy has been shown to be effective or beneficial in the long run. If you are at the checkout counter and see a tabloid claiming "Lose 30 pounds in two weeks", well that wasn't us! Metastudies show that almost all diets work in the short term, but no weight loss diet works to keep pounds off unless there are permanent eating changes. That doesn't mean sacrificing the enjoyment of food, but it does mean shifting away from foods that are "obesity-causing" and are likely linked to heart and metabolic illness such as type 2 diabetes. So, the answer to the question is... just a little bit at a time. That way, you learn new eating patterns and you don't stimulate yo-yo effects where you lose weight and then put on more than you originally weighed after you stop. 

To be as accurate as possible, we think learning how to eat differently can be as challenging as learning a new language. You can catch on to a few phrases quickly, but to become fluent, to be able to think in a foreign language and have it feel natural, you need a lot of practice and more than a year of immersion. That's what it's like to trade in old eating habits in our super tempting food environment to become "fluent" in healthy eating.