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How do I get started using Willpwr+EE?

When you first start using Willpwr+EE you'll be stepped through a QuickStart orientation. That's enough for some, but we think the best way is to work through Detailed Help found by pressing the info icon at the bottom right of the screen. Four important beginning steps are then recommended:

1. Press Settings on the main screen and enter a first name or nickname to personalize the interactions the app will have with you. While you are there, press the Screens/Audio button and decide if you want text help read to you or not, and for fun, select the kind of voice and speed you'd like.

2. Press Personal Support from the main screen and then Personal Statements. Record one or more messages to yourself that you want to hear when you are in the middle of having an urge to eat or to overeat. You can speak rationally, sternly, or any way you wish. The point is, you are talking to yourself when you are not caught up in the distorted thinking that an urge causes. 

3. Press  Dashboard and then Daily Report. Each day you'll get a Daily report from the app. It will become more and more personal as you use the app, since it will detect patterns of urges and slips and it will share that information with you so that you can have a more informed way of making lasting changes in your eating behavior. 

4. As a general rule, when videos play, watch them all the way through. Each video has been calculated to give you "critical learning moment" information. You can watch any video multiple times by going to Resources/Videos and find the video you want to see again.