Willpwr⁺ Support Center

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Is there a social feature in your app to hook up with other Willpwr+ users?

We know that social support is a very important feature of recovering from serious habits, but we felt a strong need to protect our customers’ confidentiality. So, we decided not to provide social media or hookup possibilities through our apps. We strongly encourage our customers to join support groups of their choice, to confide in friends, to set up an accountability partner, and to use social support,  but not by using our app. The  exception is that our app can help our customers make a phone call (it is on a smartphone, after all) to people they have identified as contacts. Privacy first. Hope that works for you.

  We do have a Facebook page,  https://www.facebook.com/willpwrapp/ but we have set it up so that you can't post anything there. Similarly, we have a blog  (http://willpwr.ghost.io/), but you can't post comments there either.  We might change that, but currently, our thinking is that Facebook posts might identify you as a person with a negative habit that you don't want to publicize.