Willpwr⁺ Support Center

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What's in the Resources area?

Resources is where we’ve assembled a variety of information that should be of real help to you. All the training videos we play can be viewed as many times as you like by going to Resources/Videos, as can information about 12-step and Support groups or setting up filters on your computer and smart phones or finding more information about meditation and how it is helpful in changing behavior. We’ve got lists of distractions and positive habits to help you during periods of temptation, and we have an extensive reading list about trading in negative habits for better choices. As with all our apps, the type of advice found in Resources is specific to the kind of negative habit you are fighting. In Resources for our Eating App, we've got information on the Glycemic Index, on Pavlovian conditioning and weight issues, and a variety of other help topics specific to healthy eating. Finally, in Resources and throughout our apps, we only offer advice that has solid research behind it (CBT, Schema Therapy, meditation, relapse prevention, etc.)