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What if I lose my phone?

The following answer applies only to iPhones, because that's the only smartphone running Willpwr+ apps at the moment. When we're on Android phones, we'll expand this answer.

Well, make sure you are using touchID  and a good Passcode. And double check that you have activated “Find my iPhone.” through iCloud.  FIrst try to find the phone. Nobody can view the contents of the phone unless they know your Passcode. Secondly, if you still can’t find it and you are worried, use Find My Phone to set your device to LOST. Then you can type a message about how the phone should be returned to you, and that phone is virtually unopenable. Finally, as a last resort,  you can use Find My Phone to wipe all the data, which shoud include removing the WIllpwr app. Once the phone is wiped, if you ever get the phone back or you get a new one,  you can restore anything saved on iCloud. However, you can’t retrieve the data from Willpwr+.  WIped means wiped for us since nothing has been saved on iCloud or any other remote site!. You can get the app back, but it will be brand spanking new. Here’s a link about all of this: https://support.apple.com/kb/ph2701?locale=en_US