Willpwr⁺ Support Center

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What about privacy? How are you handling sensitive information the app tracks?

We’re giving you all the power. And the responsibility. First, we don’t keep any data on any remote cloud whatsoever. We even hired a medical ethicist to puzzle out with us the very best way to keep things confidential for you. So we decided that everything you record by using the app, including your button presses, your locations, and data analyses made by the app such as your usage report, slip report, and Survey results, should all stay on your phone, all under your control. Period. If you choose to share app reports or information from our app about you with a spouse, a sponsor, a therapist, well that’s totally up to you. If you decide one day to discard all the data, you can do that with a single button press. 

The app has a geofencing feature so that you can be warned when going near a high-risk area that you have previously identified. To use that feature, the app has to collect data about where you are. However, data are only saved about your location when you have triggered a warning. 

All data, again, are only on your phone, nowhere else.

Our formal privacy policy is published elsewhere on this site and is contained in the EULA that you sign before starting the app. We retain no identifiable information such as age, sex, address, etc. and as you’ve read, all information the app generates is stored only on your phone.  The app does store your home and work (or school) address, but that is kept ONLY on your phone. Nobody sees it except you.