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What does the “I needed help” or “Slip” button mean?

You press “ I needed help” or “Slip” (depending on which WIllpwr+ app you have)  if you've had a binge, a relapse, or in other words, you messed up.  For example let's say you were trying not to watch porn or you were trying to have only one sliver of cake for dessert. If you did have an episode of watching porn or you had way more than that sliver of cake,  then you’d press “ I needed help” or “Oops” to log that slip and to get more help. You can do that minutes, hours, or even days later. The goal is to be as honest as you possibly can with yourself and to get as much data into the app as possible. You’ll be asked a few questions about how hard you tried to resist, what some of the circumstances were, etc. and the app will use your answers in the future to help you head off the next slip. 

Why did we put something into the app to record slips when the app is trying to help you not slip? Because we understand that most people with significant negative habits do not instantly defeat their problem in spite of their best intentions, and that sometimes even though a person is making great strides forward, there can be (and usually are) relapses.  We get it. We hope you don’t mess up, but when you do, we don’t want you to give up or to decide that nothing is helping. Instead, we hope the slip will teach you something about your habit that you might have been overlooking. So, use “I needed help” or “Slip” to help the app and yourself figure out what’s going on.