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What’s the best way to use the Urge button?

Since the app is building a database for you, tracking your urges when you indicate you are having an urge, the answer is to press the urge button every time you are aware of an urge. An urge means a temptation, a feeling, a realization that what you want to do right now is exactly what you are trying NOT to do. So when you press the urge button, here’s what happens:

If you are in your first week or two of using the app,

  1. The time, place and location is recorded and eventually used in reports available only to you (or to anybody you want to share the data with).
  2. Immediate advice is given.
  3. A second advice/learning piece about basic skills is given about 3-5 minues later.
  4. A third follow-up check-in and advice text is offered if you need it. 

If you are a Level 2 user or beyond, having worked through the first several pieces of advice offered,

  1. The time, place and location is recorded and eventually used in reports available only to you (or to anybody you want to share the data with).
  2. Immediate advice is given
  3. Questions about the type of trigger that caused the urge are asked and recorded.
  4. Advice/training is given immediately about the specific trigger you identified.
  5. A follow-up check-in and advice text is offered 5-10 min later if you need it.