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Why do the apps ask me to rate my urge intensity and my willpower strength when I press the urge button?

Well, one size doesn’t fit all. We give different advice based on how intense the urge is and where your willpower strength is at the moment. We ask those questions whenever you are telling us that you are having an urge at that instant. So, we are subtly (some would say sneakily) training you to be self-aware during an urge. Don’t forget, we think the strength of our apps lie in the ability to intervene precisely when your urge is clouding your thinking. So, in not too many repetitions, you are going to learn how to read urge strength and willpower strength better and better. Knowledge is power, and knowing what to do when you have detailed awareness of what is acting upon you, will be very helpful to you, don’t you think? By the way, we ask variations of these questions in all our apps, not just the Willpwr+ se  app. No matter what negative habit you are facing, you need awareness of who’s knocking on the door so loudly. For more information about our thoughts on willpower and self-awareness, you might want to check out our blog entry exploring that topic: https://willpwr.ghost.io/yoda-luke-the-force-and-willpower/