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Do you recommend any specific diets to go along with your emotional eating app?

Other than eating a healthy diet, we don’t offer specific dieting recommendaions, and here’s why. Multiple studies have emphasized that most weight-loss strategies are successful in helping people lose weight, but none can truly claim that their customers keep the weight off after ending their programs. On the other hand, a majority of experts are advocating a shift towards so-called "Mediterranean" eating styles as being healthy for you, not only for weight issues but for all kinds of health benefits. 

 Our Willpwr+ EE  app is a tool to help emotional eaters. It is a “deep dive” into their unique patterns of urges, especially those driven by events, behavior, thoughts, and mood states. It’s also very much about combating “tense tiredness”, a condition we all experience in these stressful times. We provide a lot of strategies to cope with these circumstances, and we regularly remind users at mealtimes and snack times about mindful eating.  We are advocates of lifetime eating changes, not diets, and for paying attention to reasonable goals at the lower end of a person’s natural  “set point range.”  If you don’t know about weight-related set points, check out this article.  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2990627/