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Can a Willpwr+ app replace therapy?

It's not recommended.

If you are in therapy, then, by all means, stay with it but let your therapist know you are using Willpwr+. Show it to him or her.  We encourage you to let the therapist see the dashboard, so you both can discuss how you are doing and what you have learned. You can mail the therapist graphs and reports that the apps generate in the Dashboard section. We are hopeful that the app will be a great assistant but we certainly don’t want to give the impression that therapy is not important.

For many other users, however, we suspect that you aren’t in therapy and perhaps might not have any intention of trying it. That’s Ok for now. You don’t need to be in therapy to benefit from these apps. However, if our apps don't give you the help you need, then we strongly advise that you do seek some form of professional help. In fact, the app will tell you after you use it for awhile whether therapy might be the way for you to go. The one advantage the app has over a therapist is that the app dispenses help at exactly the time you need it, which is pretty hard to do from the group room or the therapist’s office. That’s precisely why we think it is a good companion to anybody serious about beating their negative habit.