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How long until I start to see a difference?

Great question.

Our apps cover a lot of territory. They teach you the most current information about how willpower works and how to strengthen it. They emphasize that willpower is a transitional strategy that you need until you establish new, positive habits. They show you how to change your responses to urges so it is easier to tolerate when you push back against them. They discover with your help which events, moods, thoughts, and behaviors are serving as triggers to drive your urges.They even explain in terms you can understand what is going on in your brain physically and chemically when you form a negative habit, how urges can distort your thinking, and what it takes to re-train your brain. Most of all, they provide you with hope, because you’ll see that you are not trapped -- there is a way out of negative habits if you hang in there.  So, digesting all that info takes a while, and each of us goes at his/her own pace. Nonetheless, we’ve made every effort to help you from day one to curb and eventually defeat the hold your negative habit has on you.

But we aren’t making promises we can’t keep. Changing brain circuits and brain chemistry associated with negative habits and addictions take time—with most experts suggesting a minimum of six months—and with the warning that you have to change your lifestyle to continue to be successful.  Everybody is different, and everybody’s motivation is different. So we can’t be precise, but we do know that maintaining your gains means not ever letting your guard down. To experience lasting success, you’ll always be applying what you’ve learned from the app to protect you from reverting to your negative habit in the future. By the way, since this type of habit change takes time, we decided not to use a subscription system to charge you. One purchase price and you use the app for as long as you like.